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2000 - 2005 Illuusio / Stigmat / Kuka Valehtelee / Verenpunainen Luokkasota / G8 (Fasisti Militia) / Totalitäärinen Valtio / Ristiinnaulittu Evoluutio / (S.O.S.) Tasavallan Demokratia / Huomisen Tuntematon Sotilas / Inferno / Kuoleman Laakso / Älkää Luottako pt.2 / Noidankehä / I Got Erection (Turbonegro) / Kylmän Sodan Johtajat / Ajatus / Ihmiskunnan Risti / Ei Hoitokeinoa / Sun Elämä, Mun Kuolema / Orjat ja Kurjat / Verisateessa / Tuomittu Elämään (Varaus) / Propaganda / Kuollut Todistaja / Ei Totuus Pala Tulessa / Tuomion Tragedia / Tuhoaminen Tuottaa / Kuoleman Tanssi / ...Ja Hävitys Jatkuu / Sairaus / Yön Painajainen Lazze-v, Vege-gtr, Nappi-b, Perttu-dr (3-31), Raimo-gtr (1-2), Timo-dr (1-2) Limited 500 copies for Riistetyt USA tour 2005. |
Reviews |
http://www.activedistribution.org This CD collects all of Riistetyt's material from their reformation in 1999 to the present. Included are the Tervetuola Kuolema 7" (Fight/Havoc, 2000), Kuka Valehtelee? LP (Fight Records, 2001), Orjat Ja Kurkat 10" (Fight, 2003) and the latest Kahleet 7" (Havoc, 2005). Plus, there are 3 bonus tracks from the Kahleet session that aren't on the 7". Riistetyt were famous in the 80's for playing hardcore thrash influenced by Chaos UK, Discharge and Disorder. Their modern sound picks up the progression of this style of Finnish hardcore and adds a deeper, heavier, more brutal tone more in line with modern Scandinavian crust. The Discharge/UKHC influence and the classic Finnish sound are still the main elements. However, the production and musicianship are more up to speed with current hardcore sounds. A lot of old bands get back together to cash in on their old material. Riistetyt has taken the old sound and updated it, and their new material shows what experienced hardcore players can bring to the table. One of very few bands from the 80's who's current material is not only on par with their original output, but on par with contemporary bands as well. Includes lyrics in Finnish and English. The lyrics deal with a lot of "dark" topics, war, persecution, death. But this morbid outlook is more from a stance of protest than just reacting to the horror. The music and lyrics together express outrage at the death, injustice and oppression rampant in the world today. |
Amp Online http://d1489577.u45.websitesource.net Riistetyt's US tour will have come and gone by the time this column sees print and, hopefully, you got to see them. At this writing, the Boston show is about a week away and this disc, which anthologizes their 7"s, LP and a 10" over the past five years, is getting me pumped up. A legendary Finnish hardcore band who broke up in -85 and re-formed in -99 and the current incarnation includes two people from Oback in the day, vocalist Lazze and bassist Nappi. No watered-down stab at old glories, either. Riistetyt still sound as angry and fired-up as ever. The hallmark Finnish sound that takes a page from Discharge and revs it up with bulldozer bass, quick-paced drumming and furious guitar riffs. Working in a few modern Scandinavian hardcore touches and the cleaner production makes it sound contemporary but the effect isn¹t too clean or diluted. Blazing at full speed, along with some songs that slow it down to an intensive stomp, such as the closing track, a remake of the older song "Yön Painajainen" (Nightmare). Havoc are doing several Riistetyt releases for the tour "Skitsofrenia" and "Valtion Vankina", which are limited to 500 each, a reissue of an older 7", "Tuomiopaiva" that includes a couple songs not on the original pressing, plus a new 7" called "Kahleet" (these tracks are on the CD along with three other songs from that session). Old or new, it gives a solid kick in the ass. |